just like riding a bike
this brand film shows the unique story of EBT
We interviewed staff, customers over 6 days. We shot product explainers, customer FAQs, test rides and sat down with the owner. All this went into one final brand film which we launched after some more renovations.
this film sold this business for AU$150,000
This corporate film had a very small audience, it was designed for people who had expressed interest in buying this shop. When the shop tried to show it at the public viewing, they didn’t need to as everyone in attendance had watched the film. All this information was already covered so those interested were several steps closer to the sale. The night played out more like an auction and the business sold for $150k.
this film found an international audience
After 6 years in the one location, Omafiets Bicycle Shop were suddenly faced with a big change. Whilst initially scared off doing video work until they were safely established in some kind of new location, we pitched to cover this whole challenging period as a short documentary.
The following 10 months saw our film crew capture the highs and lows of this unique group bound by their incredible passion for people-powered transport.
When a last minute eviction throws Sydney’s most gender diverse bicycle shop off track, they are forced to find a new home for themselves and 100 bicycles.
Grandma’s Bike is a short documentary following the challenging logistics of a community re-emerging into the sunshine after 6 years in an underground bunker. The film premiered at the 19th Annual Filmed by Bike Festival, in May 2021, Portland, Oregon USA. Contact us for a Private Screener Copy.
case study
electric bike team
auckland | Aotearoa
when you book several videos
the results are exponential
We were initially looking at a brand film and a few customer testimonials for Electric Bike Team, but we were thrilled when they took us up on our suggestion to cover every angle possible. This resulted in more than 6 months of content which the shop was able to gradually roll out onto social media, culminating in one awesome brand film (further up this page).
Unlike other social media platforms, Youtube is the biggest search engine after Google itself, so your content plays the long game.
Imagine the hours saved on the shop floor explaining things to your customers again and again!